How Do I Advertise on Facebook ( Complete Steps)

How Do I Advertise my local business on Facebook? – Local business owners are desperate to promote their business and here comes what you can do in order to promote your local business. Advertising on Facebook is a way to promote your local business. You can do so directly from your Facebook Page, ad creation or Power Editor.

How Do I Advertise my local business on Facebook?

To Advertise on Facebook, promotes your business. From your Page:

  • Go to your Page.
  • Click Promote in the top-left. You must be an advertiser to do this. Learn more about Page roles
  • Click Promote your business locally.
  • Fill in the details of your ad.
  • Click Promote.

If you can’t see the Promote your business locally option, you may need to update the category for your Page.

To update your Page’s category:

  1. Click About below your cover photo.
  2. Go to Category and click Edit.
  3. Choose Local Business.
  4. Click Save.

Use ad creation or Power Editor to run reach ads without updating your Page’s category.


To promote your local business by Adverting on Facebook from ad creation:

  1. Go to ad creation.
  2. Click Reach.
  3. Choose the Page associated with your local business.
  4. Set your targeting and budget.
  5. Add your creative and choose a call-to-action button.

To promote your local business from by Adverting on Facebook from Power Editor:

  1. Go to Power Editor.
  2. Create a campaign using the reach objective.
  3. At the ad set level, enter your targeting and budget.
  4. At the ad level, add your creative and choose a call-to-action button.

Local business ads are ideal for driving in-store sales and brand awareness in your area.

How to advertise on Facebook: A step-by-step guide

  1. Choose your objective. …
  2. Name your campaign. …
  3. Set up your ad account. …
  4. Target your audience. …
  5. Choose your Facebook ad placements. …
  6. Set your budget and schedule. …
  7. Create your ad.

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