Welcome to our page. Here we are going deliberate on How to unfriend all Facebook Friends. Let me ask, Have every try to unfriend someone or all your Friends on your Facebook account? There are many friends that we think should not be counted among our Facebook friends. With this, we can try unfriending all friends by using the following Steps.
Table of Contents
How to unfriend all Facebook friends Using Toolkit
The following are the steps used to unfriend all Facebook Friends
This tool will will remove active facebook friends from your facebook profile.
Active friends are friends whose profile is not de-activated.
This tool will only remove active friends, to remove inactive friends, use remove inactive frineds tool.
This tool might perform various actions on behalf of you, to avoid getting temporarily banned from using certain features please read about Facebook feature usage limits .
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To use any of the tools, it is recommended to set your Facebook language to English otherwise some features may not work.
If you don’t know how to start a tool then please read our guide on How to start a Facebook tool .
Steps to un-friend multiple active Facebook friends using Toolkit For Facebook
Follow these steps to use this tool :
- Click on Toolkit For FB Chrome Extension icon. This will open a new popup Window.
- Click on “Start Tool” to start “Unfriend multiple active facebook friends” tool.
- After you click on this button, it will open unfriend tool on new tab.
- Enter required details, such as delay time.
- Select friends that you want to remove. And click on “Start Removing Friends” button.
- After that, it will take a while for unfriend tool to complete unfriending process.
- After unfriending process is complete, your event log will show you information regarding who is removed.
- Event log will show you information, error or success messages regarding various requests that are being sent.
- To clear event log, use “Clear Event Log” button.
I hope at this juncture, you have found this guide useful! Kindly share it with friends.