f you don’t want strangers to see your friend list, then you can just hide it from them. It’s very easy. You can use the enhanced Facebook privacy settings to modify your friend list’s visibility.
One thing which I have noticed when you keep your friend list public is that many people see that list and start adding friends blindly.
And seeing common friends, other friends usually accept the friend request. It’s kind of embarrassing when your female friend informs you that some mutual friend of yours has sent her a friend request.
It’s better to let your friend list be visible only to you and hidden from others.
How to Hide Facebook Friend List from Others
By default, everyone can see the Friends section of your profile. To adjust who can see your Friends section:Go to your profileClick Friends below your cover photoClick
at the top of the page and select Edit Privacy from the dropdown menu

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Select an audience (ex: Friends, Public) to choose who you share your friend list with on your profile.

Note: People may see mutual friends when they visit your profile. Your friends also control who can see their friendships on their own profiles. If people can see your friendship on another profile, they’ll also be able to see it in News Feed, search and other places on Facebook.Now, on your Facebook friend list page, simply click on the “Manage” icon at the top right & click on “Edit Privacy”.’