FCMB Transfer Code. There is an easy and quick way to make transactions with First City Monument Bank FCMB. FCMB USSD Code is *329#, majority of the people call this code FCMB Transfer Code and the reason is that they mainly use it to transfer funds; some also call it FCMB Recharge code, FCMB shortcode while others simply call it FCMB Code. The *329# is the USSD code for First City Monument Bank and you should be using the code if you have an account with the bank, it helps you to buy airtime for yourself and your loved ones, you can also transfer money to another FCMB account or to other banks in Nigeria using the code right on your mobile phone without visiting any ATM machine or branch of the bank. Campusbiz presents you the instructions bellow to enable you learn how to use the *329# code for different purposes, including how to change your PIN.

Table of Contents
How To Recharge your phone With FCMB Recharge Code
If you have an FCMB account, then, you never be out of airtime except if you don’t have money in your account, the simple reason is with FCMB Recharge code you can easily recharge yourself when you run out of credit, to recharge your phone with FCMB Recharge Code dial: *329*amount#, example *328*200#, this code should be dialed on the number you registered with your account. If you want to recharge another phone with Code simply dial *329*amount*phone number# to the phone of your family and friends or any other person.
How To make Transfer With FCMB Transfer Code
To transfer money with FCMB transfer code is the most requested usage of the FCMB code, if your want to transfer money from your account number, use your phone and the FCMB Transfer Code, don’t go the bank or ATM again, dial this code to do the transfer *329*amount*account number*, remember that the account number you will put is not your own account number but the account number where you want the money to go. After dialing the code the bank will show you the amount you want to transfer, the name of the person you want to transfer to and the bank of the person, simply enter your FCMB PIN to complete the transaction; don’t forget: *329*amount*accountnumer#
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How To Check Your Account Balance With FCMB USSD Code
To check your account balance is now simpler than ever by simply dialing this code, with the code you can check your account balance right on your phone without going to any branch of the bank or even ATM machine, the FCMB code is designed to carry out so many function and checking balance is just one of them, dial *329*00# to get your account balance, make sure you dial the code on the phone you registered with your account number, the bank charges N10/transaction
See How to Change PIN of FCMB USSD Code
If you have any reason to believe the PIN of your FCMB Transfer Code is compromised or you believe the PIN is no longer save then dial this code to change the PIN so you don’t lose your money to fraudsters. You should change your PIN always and any time you have a reason to believe someone already knows your PIN. Dial *329*0# to change your PIN
Know Why you should use FCMB USSD Code
This is what FCMB has to say: “Carrying out banking transactions shouldn’t be a hassle or dependent on time and location . What could be better than a fast , convenient and secure way to achieve this? Dial *329#, register using any phone type and carry out your transactions on the go – even when you do not have data.
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