WAEC Physics Questions and Answers 2025/2026 (Objectives/Essay) PDF | Correct & Free

 Likely WAEC Physics Questions and Answers for 2025/2026 candidates are now available online. People may wish to have access to WAEC expo/runs in Physics, but I tell you, the details here on Objectives and theory Physics WAEC Questions and Answers provided for you is super.

WAEC Physics Questions and Answers

The West African Examination Council (WAEC) Physics paper 1 and 11 (Objectives and Essay) schedule is available in the official WAEC Timetable. All the necessary materials will be provided by the management board for the smooth running of the exams. To pass WAEC Physics with A1, keep reading fore latest news on correct WAEC Physics answers.

WASSCE Physics past Questions papers has been provided here to help you get ready for the questions that will be presented to you. Likely WAEC Physics expo questions and Answers and how to answer the questions without wasting time are equally provided.

WAEC Physics Objectives Questions and Answers

There are free WAEC Physics Past Questions and Answers for you. Take your time and make good use of it while waiting for the latest update on Likely WAEC Physics expo.

The following are Sample free WAEC Physics Objectives Past Questions and Answers:

1. Which part of the human eye performs the same function as the diaphragm in a lens camera?

  • A. Choroid
  • B. Retina
  • C. Iris
  • D. Cornea

Answer: C ( Iris)

2. Which of the following devices is associated with alternating currents only?

  • A. Step-up transformer
  • B. Lead-acid accumulator
  • C. Moving coil galvanometer
  • D. Induction coil

Answer: A (Step-up transformer)

3. The purpose of commutators in a direct current motor is to

  • A. reverse the direction of the current after every half rotation
  • B.  increase the efficiency of the motor.
  • C. enable a uniform couple to act on the coil.
  • D. increase the number of rotations per second

Answer: A (reverse the direction of the current after every half rotation)

4. In the Rutherford scattering experiment, a beam of alpha particles was fired at a thin gold film and few of the particles were deflected considerably. This shows that the nucleus of an atom

  • A. is positively charged and is concentrated in a tiny volume
  • B. contains protons and electrons distributed in a tiny volume.
  • C. is concentrated in a tiny volume and contains alpha particles.
  • D. is distributed in a tiny volume and emits alpha particles.

Answer: A (is positively charged and is concentrated in a tiny volume)

5. When an electron jumps directly from an orbit of n = 4 to n = 2,

  • A. a photon is absorbed
  • B. a photon is emitted
  • C. two photons are emitted.
  • D. two photons are absorbed

Answer: B (a photon is emitted)

6. Two objects, A and B, accelerate from rest at uniform rates. B accelerates twice as much as Compared to A, B travels

  • A. at the same distance as A.
  • B. six times as far.
  • C. two times as far.
  • D. three times as far.

7. The constant temperature at which a liquid change into gaseous state is known as

  • A.  dew point
  • B. boiling point
  • C. melting point
  • D. evaporation point

Answer: B (boiling point)

8. A convex mirror is used as a driving mirror; however, a disadvantage in this regard is that the image

  • A. is not as bright as we would like
  • B. it produces is real
  • C. it produces is virtual
  • D. appears farther away from the driver

Answer: D (appears farther away from the driver)

9.In storing magnets, the keeper is used to

  • A.  increase the strength of the magnet.
  • B. reduce self demagnetization
  • C. protect the magnet from stray electric field
  • D. cancel the effect of the earth’s magnetism

Answer: B (reduce self demagnetization)

10. The maximum displacement of particles from equilibrium position in a wave motion is known as

  • A. wave length.
  • B. amplitude.
  • C. frequency.
  • D. polarization.

Answer: B (amplitude)

11. Atmospheric pressure decreases with an increase in altitude because:

  • A.  Internal energy increases with altitude
  • B. Temperature increases with altitude.
  • C. Acceleration due to gravity increases with altitude.
  • D. Interaction among air molecules decreases due to less quantity of air.

Answer: D (Interaction among air molecules decreases due to less quantity of air.)

12. The phenomenon used for explaining the formation of a rainbow in the sky is

  • A.  reflection.
  • B. refraction.
  • C. interference.
  • D. dispersion.

Answer: D (dispersion.)

13. The correct sequence of ionization power of alpha particle, gamma ray, and beta particle respectively is

  • A.  medium, low, high.
  • B. high, medium, low.
  • C. low, medium, high.
  • D. high, low, medium.

Answer: D (high, low, medium.)

WAEC Essay Physics Questions

1.(a) State two uses of a polar satellite.

(b) What does the slope of a graph of tensile stress against tensile strain represent?

2.(a)(i) What is a thermometric liquid?

(ii) State the reason for the following design features of a clinical thermometer. I. Narrow bore: II. Thin wall of the bulb

(b) Distinguish between heat and temperature of an object in terms of the energy of a particle

(c) Explain why evaporation leads to cooling

(d) A kettle rated 2000W, contains water at 20ºC. The kettle is switched on and after two minutes, the water starts boiling. After another six minutes, 45% of the water in the kettle boils away. (i) Determine the specific latent heat of the vaporization of the water (ii) State one assumption made in your calculation 9d(i) above

3. The fractional change in length produced in an elastic material of spring constant 680Nm−1
when a force of 306N is applied to stretch it is 1.5. Calculate the original length of the material.

How to pass WAEC exams

It’s important to make your West African Senior Secondary School Certificate Examination a huge success. The following ways are beneficial to candidates that wish to pass WAEC with flying colors:

1. Make adequate Preparation: By preparing very well for the WAEC Physics Objectives and theory exams, candidates will be able to write the exams confidently.

2. Attending Extra moral Classes: The school teachers might not be able to complete the curriculum on time. On that note, it is advisable for students to attend tutorials that will enlightened the more on the right topics under The syllables.

3. Make good use of Past Questions:  The West African Examination Council, WAEC has a pattern of setting questions. Students that make good use of the WAEC Physics past Questions and Answers will surely perform well in the exams. Try and practice the questions set on previous years.

4. Use WAEC Physics Syllabus: The WAEC Physics Syllabus has a list of topics to be treated for years. Candidates should ensures that they use the syllabus while studying and preparing for their exams.

Steps to Answer Questions

The following steps are crucial while trying to answer WAEC Physics questions:

  • Candidates are advised to always begin with the simplest questions.
  • Adherence to the WAEC exams instructions are very important.
  • All the required details should be carefully written or entered on the WAEC Answer booklet.
  • Candidate’s handwriting should be very readable.
  • It’s important to attempt the required number of questions.
  • Candidates should cross check their answers before final submission.


Passing the WAEC Physics exams is very easy. All that is required is to do the needful. Prepare on time, attend tutorials, use past Questions and syllabus and many more.

Those that want to know more about the WAEC Physics questions and Answers should use the comments box hereunder.

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