Facebook Graph Search: How it works

Facebook Graph Search

Facebook Graph Search makes it possible for Facebook users to search in their own understanding and not restricting them to any keyword. Facebook users can easily filter search results as specific as they would like.

For instance, one could find who had liked a page or photo, when someone arrives a city.

Graph Search  was launched six years ago and it was meant to enable its users know the content across public posts on the platform.

Graph search is a powerful tool that helps many online investigators who used it to collect evidence of human rights abuses, war crimes and human trafficking.

Its usefulness does not end on helping online investigators. It is also a well known resource for organizations.

You can Click here for Facebook graph search


According to wikipedia, In June 2019, the Facebook search feature went down making majority of urls for graph search queries not to work

Facebook explained this by saying: “The vast majority of people on Facebook search using keywords, a factor which led us to pause some aspects of graph search and focus more on improving keyword search.

We are working closely with researchers to make sure they have the tools they need to use our platform.”

 It was said that the removal of Graph Search may have been to keep privacy not doubted.

From the research I made, I discovered that Graph search made use of algorithm that looks like that of google search engine.

The search was purely based on the notion of the user who is searching. The search engine was designed to match phrases and objects on he site.

The CEO of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg said in one of his presentations that the search algorithm gets information from network of friends.

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