Best Places to visit (Tourist attractions) in Zamfara State 2023 – Gusau, Travels, Tourism, Must See Attractions

Nestled in the northwestern region of Nigeria, Zamfara State is a land of hidden treasures waiting to be discovered by intrepid travelers. Often overshadowed by more famous tourist destinations in the country, Zamfara offers a distinctive blend of natural beauty, historical significance, and cultural richness. This article invites you to embark on a journey through the best tourists attractions in Zamfara State that promise an authentic and immersive Nigerian experience.

However, Zamfara State’s historical legacy is a testament to its significance. The Kiyawa Rock Paintings,one of the best tourist attractions, transport visitors back in time with intricate rock art dating back millennia. Also, these captivating depictions provide a glimpse into the lives, rituals, and traditions of the ancient inhabitants of the region, offering a unique window into Zamfara’s past. Meanwhile, Tungar Jika, a tranquil spring surrounded by lush greenery, presents a serene natural oasis where travelers can unwind and even partake in the belief of its healing waters.

Overall, the cultural heartbeat of Zamfara State resonates through its vibrant traditions, epitomized by the world-renowned Argungu Fishing Festival, though hosted in neighboring Kebbi State, it draws curious crowds from all over the world. This captivating event showcases the local fishing heritage, accompanied by music, dance, and traditional games that celebrate the rich cultural diversity of the region. As we delve deeper into the heart of Zamfara, we’ll uncover more of these hidden gems and unveil the state’s unique charm.

Top Tourist Attractions in Zamfara State

  1. Kiyawa Rock Paintings: Located in Kiyawa village, these ancient rock paintings are a testament to Zamfara State’s rich history. Dating back thousands of years, these intricate artworks depict scenes from the daily lives, hunting expeditions, and rituals of the indigenous people, offering a fascinating glimpse into the region’s past.
  2. Tungar Jika: This serene natural spring, surrounded by lush vegetation, is not only a picturesque spot for picnics but also believed to have healing properties. Visitors can relax by the crystal-clear waters of Tungar Jika and enjoy the peaceful ambiance of the surrounding landscape.
  3. Argungu Fishing Festival: While technically hosted in neighboring Kebbi State, the Argungu Fishing Festival is so close to Zamfara that it’s a must-visit attraction. This unique event features a fishing competition in the Matan Fada River, drawing crowds from around the world. It’s a vibrant celebration of the local fishing tradition, complete with music, dance, and traditional games.
  4. Gidan Makama Museum: Located in Gusau, the state capital, this museum houses a diverse collection of traditional crafts, archaeological findings, and cultural artifacts. It provides an opportunity to explore the history and heritage of Zamfara State and gain insights into its rich traditions.
  5. Ruwan Dorawa: Nature enthusiasts will appreciate the beauty of Ruwan Dorawa, a natural spring known for its clear blue waters and the scenic landscapes that surround it. This site serves as a source of fresh water for the local community and offers a peaceful retreat for visitors.
  6. Zurmi Emir’s Palace: The Zurmi Emir’s Palace is a testament to traditional Hausa architecture and craftsmanship. Also, it showcases the intricate designs and historical significance of the region’s palaces and provides an opportunity to interact with the local community.
  7. Zamfara State College of Arts and Science: This institution is not only a center of learning but also a place of architectural beauty. The college’s impressive architectural design and landscaping make it a notable site in the state.
  8. Zamfara State Government House: The government house in Gusau is an iconic building with a unique architectural style that reflects the state’s identity and significance. While it primarily serves as the seat of government, its design is worth admiring.

Is Zamfara a hausa state?

Zamfara State, located in the northwestern region of Nigeria, is often associated with the Hausa ethnic group due to its geographical location and the presence of a significant Hausa population. However, it is important to note that Zamfara State, like many Nigerian states, is characterized by a diverse mix of ethnic groups and not exclusively a “Hausa state.”

However, the Hausa people are one of the largest ethnic groups in Nigeria and have a strong presence in many states across the northern region, including Zamfara. They contribute to the state’s cultural and social fabric, but Zamfara is also home to other ethnic groups such as the Fulani, Gwari, and others, each with their distinct languages, traditions, and customs.

Overall, while the Hausa language is widely spoken and is often used as a lingua franca for communication among different ethnic groups in Zamfara, it is essential to recognize the state’s multicultural nature. Also, Zamfara State embraces its diversity, and the coexistence of various ethnic groups contributes to the rich tapestry of Nigerian culture and heritage in the region.


What is Zamfara state famous for?

1. Mineral Resources:

Zamfara State is celebrated for its significant mineral resources, particularly gold. It gained international attention due to the gold rush that occurred in the early 2000s. The state is rich in gold deposits, making it an essential player in Nigeria’s mining industry. However, the gold mining industry in Zamfara has faced challenges, including issues related to illegal mining and environmental concerns.

2. Historical Significance:

Zamfara holds historical significance as one of the states that witnessed the spread of Islam in Nigeria. The introduction of Islam played a vital role in shaping the culture, traditions, and way of life in the region. Zamfara’s historical mosques and cultural sites reflect its deep Islamic heritage.

3. Agriculture:

Agriculture is a cornerstone of Zamfara’s economy, with various crops cultivated in the state. The fertile soil and favorable climate support the cultivation of crops such as millet, maize, sorghum, and groundnuts. Zamfara’s agricultural output contributes to food production in Nigeria and supports the livelihoods of its people.

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