Now you have a complete guide on Likely WAEC Biology Questions and Answers to help you succeed. People may wish to have access to WAEC expo/runs in Biology, but I tell you, the details on Objectives and theory Biology WAEC Questions and Answers provided for you here is the best.
The West African Examination Council (WAEC) Biology paper 1 and 11 (Objectives and Essay) schedule is available in the official WAEC Timetable. All the necessary materials will be provided by the management board for the smooth running of the exams. To pass WAEC Biology with A1, keep reading fore latest news on correct WAEC Biology answers PDF Download.
WASSCE Biology past Questions papers has been provided here to help you get ready for the questions that will be presented to you. Likely WAEC Biology expo questions and Answers and how to answer the questions without wasting time are equally provided.
WAEC Biology Objectives Questions and Answers
There are free WAEC Biology Past Questions and Answers for you. Take your time and make good use of it while waiting for the latest update on Likely WAEC Biology expo.
The following are Sample WAEC Biology Objectives Past Questions and Answers:
1.Fishes survive in water mainly because they possess
- A. streamlined body
- B. scales
- C. paired fins
- D. gills
Answer: D (gills)
2. The androecium in a flowering plant is a collection of
- A. stamens
- B. sperms
- C. ovules
- D. filament
Answer: A (stamens)
3. The eye defect caused by an uneven curvature of the cornea or lens or both is
- A. myopia
- B. presbyopia
- C. astigmatism
- D. hypermetropia
Answer: C (astigmatism)
4. Placentation in fruits is referred to as the
- A. arrangement of ovules in the ovary of a flower
- B. formation of a single carpel joined at the two edges of an ovule
- C. ovules borne on a central column of tissues in an ovary
- D. part of the ovary where the ovules originate and remain till maturity
Answer: A (arrangement of ovules in the ovary of a flower)
5. An example of a process that involves osmosis is the
- A. movement of water from root hairs into cortical cell
- B. movement of digested food from ileum into blood capillaries
- C. translocation of starch from leaves to all parts of a plant
- D. reabsorption of food nutrients from the kidney into blood capillaries
Answer: A (movement of water from root hairs into cortical cell)
6. The rate of decomposition of dead organisms is faster in the tropical rainforest than in other biomes because
- A. of consistent cool temperature
- B. there are more plants
- C. of the relatively constant day light.
- D. of availability of moisture
Answer: D (of availability of moisture)
7. A Rhesus negative woman may experience stillbirth of the second child that is Rhesus positive because
- A. the foetus is deprived of nourishment
- B. they have poor circulatory system
- C. the blood of the foetus might clump
- D. the woman is susceptible to diseases during pregnancy
Answer: C (the blood of the foetus might clump)
8. Which type of breeding is represented by industrial melanism in peppered moths?
- A. Inbreeding
- B. Natural selection
- C. Artificial selection
- D. Outbreeding
Answer: (Natural selection)
9. The male and female gametes which bear genes for inheritance in plants are located in the
- A. stamens and petals
- B. sepals and petals
- C. stamens and pistils
- D. anthers and petals
Answer: C (stamens and pistils)
10. The physical appearance of an organism is described as its
- A. phenotype
- B. chromosome
- C. allele
- D. genotype
Answer: A (phenotype)
11. A woman with blood group A gives birth to a child with blood group O. Which of the following blood groups cannot belong to the father?
- A. B
- B. O
- C. AB
- D. A
Answer: C (AB)
12. Which of the following traits is not inheritable? Ability to
- A. move the ear
- B. roll the tongue
- C. taste P.T.C
- D. roll the eyeball
Answer: D (roll the eyeball)
WAEC Essay Biology Questions
Past Biology Questions 2024:
1a(i)What is competition?
(ii)List two types of competition.
(iii)List four factors that organisms compete for in a habitat.
(iv)Explain briefly the relationship between competition and succession.
b(i)What is structural adaptation?
(ii)State four types of structural adaptations in animals.
(c)List four features of variation in humans that are used in crime detection.
(d)Complete the table below by listing three types of adaptive colouration in animals and give one example each of animals that show the colourations.
2.An individual ate a hot and large meal of cassava with salty groundnut soup. The individual was sweating profusely and did not drink water after the meal.
(a) State one role each played by the following organs involved in the activity above:
(i) mouth; (ii) skin; (iii) tongue; (iv) kidney; (v) stomach; (vi) small intestine; (vii) large intestine; (viii) liver.
How to pass WAEC exams
It’s important to make your West African Senior Secondary School Certificate Examination a huge success. The following ways are beneficial to candidates that wish to pass WAEC with flying colors:
1. Make adequate Preparation: By preparing very well for the WAEC Biology Objectives and theory exams, candidates will be able to write the exams confidently.
2. Attending Extra moral Classes: The school teachers might not be able to complete the curriculum on time. On that note, it is advisable for students to attend tutorials that will enlightened the more on the right topics under The syllables.
3. Make good use of Past Questions: The West African Examination Council, WAEC has a pattern of setting questions. Students that make good use of the WAEC Biology past Questions and Answers will surely perform well in the exams. Try and practice the questions set on previous years.
4. Use WAEC Biology Syllabus: The WAEC Biology Syllabus has a list of topics to be treated for years. Candidates should ensures that they use the syllabus while studying and preparing for their exams.
Steps to Answer Questions
The following steps are crucial while trying to answer WAEC Biology questions:
- Candidates are advised to always begin with the simplest questions.
- Adherence to the WAEC exams instructions are very important.
- All the required details should be carefully written or entered on the WAEC Answer booklet.
- Candidate’s handwriting should be very readable.
- It’s important to attempt the required number of questions.
- Candidates should cross check their answers before final submission.
Passing the WAEC Biology exams is very easy. All that is required is to do the needful. Prepare on time, attend tutorials, use past Questions and syllabus and many more.
Those that want to know more about the WAEC Biology questions and Answers should use the comments box hereunder.
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