Free Likely WAEC Agricultural Science Practical Questions and Answers is now available. Make A1 in Agric Science this year by using this practical hints. The latest update on Agric Science Practical Specimens Answers for WAEC is here for all interested candidates.
It’s obvious many might be searching for 2025 free WAEC Agric Science Practical expo or runs. The West African Examination Council (WAEC) is working very hard to ensure the smooth running of the exams. Explore all the necessary updates on the Agric Science Practical exams and PDF download.
In addition, there are sampled WAEC Agricultural Science Practical Past Questions and Answers for practice before the main exams. Do well to make good use of the likely WAEC expo/runz Alternative to Agric Science Practical updates provided hereunder.
Table of Contents
Agricultural Science Practical Specimens
- Specimen E
- Specimen C
- Specimen G
- Specimen H
- Specimen F
2025 WAEC Agric Science Practical Answers
Below are Specimens Answers:
(Pick any two)
(i) temperature
(ii) moisture
(iii) texture
(iv) pH
(i) Helps to improve soil structure and granulation.
(ii) They help to also improve the aeration of the soil.
(iii) They help to decompose organic materials in the soil to form humus.
(iv) They improve soil water percolation or drainage.
(v) They also increase the collocidal properties of the soil
(i) it attack crops
(ii) it affect the quality of crops
(iii) it reduce the market value of crops
(iv) it Discourage farmers from cultivation
(i) it is high in soil nutrients
(ii) it is rich in humus
(iii) it makes crop to germinate properly
(iv) it is rich in soil organism
(i) Soil moisture
(ii) Temperature
(iii) Organic matter
(iv) Soil pH
(v) Soil Texture
(vii) Oxygen levels
(i) Specimen A creates burrows as it moves through the soil, which enhances soil aeration
(ii) It consumes decaying plant material and aids in the soil decomposition process.
(iii) It burrows through the soil, creating channels that improve soil structure.
(iv) Its burrows act as pathways for water movement through the soil.
(v) It consumes organic matter in the soil, breaking it down into smaller particles.
(vi) It produces a sticky substance called mucilage, which helps bind soil particles together, forming aggregates or clumps.
(vii) Its activity can influence soil pH.
(viii) It promotes the growth and activity of beneficial soil microorganisms.
(ix) The presence of specimen A in the soil, contribute to higher plant productivity.
(i) Its activity resuts to crop damage
(ii) Its extensive tunneling systems underground, which can destabilize the soil structure leads to soil erosion
(iii) It can disrupt nutrient cycling in the soil.
(iv) They can target young seedlings causing damage to the seedling
(iv) The infestation of specimen B can weaken the overall health and vitality of plants.
(v) They increased soil vulnerability to drought.
(vi) Their activity can lead to economic loss.
(vii) It can cause decrease in plant productivity.
(i) Specimen C has good drainage
(ii)) It has the ability to retain and release nutrients effectively.
(iii) It has good water retention capacity
(iv) It provides adequate aeration
(v) The balanced texture of specimen C provides an ideal environment for root development and penetration
(vi) Specimen C is known for its workability and ease of cultivation
(vii) It can maintain its fertility and productivity over the long term
-Specimen E:
(i) It is used for providing constant and easily accessible water supply to livestock.
(ii) It can be utilized as part of an irrigation system.
(iii) It can be used to rear aquatic organisms such as fish, prawns etc.
(iv) It is used in nurseries and greenhouses for seedling propagation.
(v) It is can be used for water storage.
-Specimen F:
(i) It is frequently used to provide feed for cattle.
(ii) It is used to provide feed for sheep and goats.
(iii) In poultry farming, it is used to deliver feed to chickens, and other poultry species.
(iv) They are essential in pig farming to deliver feed to pigs.
(v) It can be used to feed fish and other aquatic organisms.
(vi) They are used in horse stables and pastures to provide feed for horses.
Specimen G:
(i) Egg candler is commonly used to determine the viability of eggs before incubation.
(ii) They are used to monitor the development of the embryo inside the egg.
(iii) They can be used to determine the sex of the embryo in some poultry.
(iv) They can aid in the diagnosis of certain diseases or infections in poultry.
-Specimen H
(i) It is used for catching small fishes and other aquatic animals
(ii) They are useful tools for maintaining aquariums and fish tanks.
(iii) They are re often used in the care of aquatic pets, such as turtles, frogs, or small aquatic mammals
(iv) They are used in pond dipping activities, particularly in environmental education programs.
-Specimen E:
(i) It has a float enclosure
(ii) It has trapezoidal faces
(iii) it has a front facing reservoir
-Specimen F:
(i) It has a rectangular shape
(ii) It has an open top
-Specimen G:
(i) It is solid
(ii) It has an opening or aperture through which the egg is placed for examination
-Specimen H:
(i) It has a net
(ii) It has a handle
(iii) It has a frame that supports the net
(i) Dip net
(ii) Seine Net
(iii) Cast Net
(iv) Butterfly Net
(v) Traps
(vi) Hook and lines
How to pass WAEC exams
It’s important to make your West African Senior Secondary School Certificate Examination a huge success. The following ways are beneficial to candidates that wish to pass WAEC with flying colors:
1. Make adequate Preparation: By preparing very well for the WAEC Agric Practicalt Objectives and theory exams, candidates will be able to write the exams confidently.
2. Attending Extra moral Classes: The school teachers might not be able to complete the curriculum on time. On that note, it is advisable for students to attend tutorials that will enlightened the more on the right topics under The syllables.
3. Make good use of Past Questions: The West African Examination Council, WAEC has a pattern of setting questions. Students that make good use of the WAEC Agric Practicalt past Questions and Answers will surely perform well in the exams. Try and practice the questions set on previous years.
4. Use WAEC Government Syllabus: The WAEC Government Syllabus has a list of topics to be treated for years. Candidates should ensures that they use the syllabus while studying and preparing for their exams.
How to Answer Agricultural Science Practical WAEC Questions
The following steps are very important for candidates that wish to make good grades:
1. Read all the Instructions provided in the Question paper: This is a very important thing to do as soon as the Question paper is given to you. The essence of this is to help you know what you are required to do. Try as much as possible to adhere to the exams instructions.
2. Fill in Your details where required on the Answer booklets. One of the greatest mistakes candidates make is failure to write their details on the Answers booklet. Filling Your exams details before attempting questions is important because you may forget or may cut off with time.
3. Start with the Questions you know best: This is a smart approach. When you start answering the questions you know very well, you will not only have the confidence to answer the difficult ones but give the marker/examiner a good impression about your knowledge of the subject.
4. Read the Questions at least Thrice before providing solutions: Don not be in a haste to answer questions. Try and read them over and over again to gain full understanding of the questions.
5. Make your handwriting are readable: Take your time to write very well, a good handwriting will make your answers clear understandable.
6. Cross Check your work before submission: I’m all your doing, don’t fail go through your work before submitting your answer booklet. This will enable you to correct mistakes made.
Practical Specimens WAEC Expo/Runs
It’s important to let you know that team do not supply WAEC Expo or Runs. beware of some platforms promising you Expo on WAEC Agric Science Practical.
All we do is to ensure that we provide you with all the necessary steps and updates on how to pass your exams without Stress. Stay tuned for more Related Updates.
If your still have something to ask about the WAEC Questions and Answers for Agric Science Practical, use the comments section below.
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